Excellence, Accuracy, and Professionalism in Remote Viewing
General Information:
As of July 2020, we are currently offering FOUR Club Levels for continuing education and CRV mentoring.
CLUB PRV provides support, advice, coaching, and assignments designed to bring remote viewers along a steady path of progress to become skilled and dependably accurate in their viewing. You can learn more about Club PRV here.
Advanced and Operational Clubs:
For our Advanced and Operational level students, we offer both Advanced and Operational levels of Club Membership.
Membership in either club is by invitation only and requires a minimum attendance of 70% annually.
Monthly assignments, both practice and operational, must be completed and are gone over in class.
These clubs are by invitation only because you must have taken Lori Williams’ Basic, Intermediate and Advanced programs and be able to demonstrate advanced remote viewing skills to qualify.
Again, just to reiterate: To be a part of the Advanced Club, a student must have taken my Basic, Intermediate and Advanced CRV and be able to demonstrate consistency, accuracy, good CRV structure, and a familiarity of advanced tools.
These mentoring clubs meet monthly for one-to-two-hour classes. The meetings are currently in the evenings (US Time) often in the 3rd or 4th week of the month.
Supplies You May Need:
- Blank white paper
- A black Pilot G-2 07 gel pen
- A clock
- A surface to write on
Monthly Cost for Advanced/Operational Mentoring Club:
$49 (payable in USD only) by debit or credit card. ($59/month for new members in January 2020)
Please Note: There will be times that we have to change the normal date or time of the meeting due to circumstances beyond our control, such as trips abroad, classes, illness, etc. We try to notify everyone about the date of the next meeting via email or we discuss the change during the meeting itself.
Once you have signed up and paid, you will receive a Zoom link to join the meeting.
For instructions on how to get into the meeting and/or
To Join, write to
The Advanced Online Mentoring Club
The Advanced Online Mentoring Club is composed of a cadre of highly trained advanced level remote viewers who continue to hone their skills through targeted exercises and operational projects. We meet once a month for two hours.
To be a part of the Advanced Club, a student must have taken my Basic, Intermediate and Advanced CRV and be able to demonstrate consistency, accuracy, good CRV structure, and a familiarity of advanced tools.
The Advanced Club meets in the evenings, often in the 3rd or 4th week of the month. Membership in the Advanced Club is by invitation only and requires a minimum attendance of 70%.
Please Note: There will be times that we have to change the normal date or time of the meeting due to circumstances beyond our control, such as trips abroad, classes, illness, etc. We try to notify everyone about the date of the next meeting via email or we discuss the change during the meeting itself.
Once you have signed up and paid, you will receive a Zoom link to join the meeting.
For instructions on how to get into the meeting and/or
To Join, write to
- Completion of (at minimum) Basic CRV
- The ability to scan your sessions and send them to me via email.
- Internet access
- Willingness to learn to use the CRV Xcel Spreadsheet to write your summaries.
- Willingness to learn to create both an outline summary and an essay summary.
Newly graduated students from Advanced class will begin their new level of practice by moving into the New Advanced Graduates Club.
Then, once a student demonstrates mastery, he or she can be moved into the Operational Level of the Club, which is where students begin working on "real world" assignments, paid and pro-bono.
Monthly Cost for Advanced/Operational Mentoring Clubs:
$59 (payable in USD only) by debit or credit card.
You can pay via the website at this link:
Supplies for Advanced Viewers:
- Ruler
- Pendulum
- Onion skin paper for map dowsing
- A small rolling pin
- Sculpting tools
- Waxed paper or baker’s paper to build 3-D models on (to protect your table)
- Building blocks.
- Modeling clay
- For the modeling clay, I recommend Sculpy brand because it never dries out or hardens.
- The clay, rolling pin and sculpting tools can be purchased at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s.
- I use Imaginarium brand building blocks from Toys "R" Us.
- Completion of (at minimum) Basic CRV
- The ability to scan your sessions and send them to me via email.
- Internet access
- Willingness to learn to use the CRV Xcel Spreadsheet to write your summaries.
- Willingness to learn to create both an outline summary and an essay summary.
What to Expect:
- A great learning experience!
- A vast improvement in your remote viewing skills!
- Some simulated “Operational Viewing” scenarios, requiring that you meet deadlines.
- (Eventually, based on skill level:) Gradual introduction to a wide variety of operational-type targets, including some that may have emotional content and some mildly esoteric targets.
- Honest, patient, and compassionate evaluation of your assignments with:
- Instructional guidance on how to improve:
- your structure,
- accuracy,
- amount of detail, and
- ability to produce a well-written summary of your findings at the target.
Additional Information:
Zoom has a record feature, so the meetings will be archived.
Occasionally, technology fails us (or Lori's memory...) and the meetings do not always get recorded. But they usually do.
For this reason, a Dropbox link to recorded meetings is offered as something extra but is not guaranteed.
If you have to miss a meeting, you can go back and listen.
When you receive a recording for a meeting that you have missed, that fulfills our obligation to you as a viewer for that week.
However, please note that if you miss a meeting, you may not receive an evaluation of your session work for that week, and you must attend 70% of the time to remain in the club.
We will occasionally have “theme-focused” meetings, based on the needs of the group. For example, we will sometimes assign exercises designed to improve your observation skills and other skills necessary to be a good remote viewer.
One meeting will be dedicated to post-session analysis to see how your personal Castle Building begins.
Another meeting will be dedicated to studying groups of sessions to study your ideogrammic patterns – what is your subconscious mind trying to teach you?
We will also be discussing “abreactions” to the subconscious flow of information. What happens when you are afraid of something at the target, such as water, heights, or blood?
Skill Builders: We sometimes do viewing practice to build skills in various genres, such as “people targets,” “manmade targets,” “technology targets,” “events,” “activities,” “processes,” etc.
CRV Buddies: Occasionally, we assign every viewer a fellow student as a monitor. These monitor/viewer teams have been a huge success!
Students comments: “Having someone to practice with between our online group meetings has helped me tremendously!” “The accountability of meeting with someone online to practice has really been helpful.” “My skill levels have really increased since I started working with my CRV Buddy.”
- While we cannot guarantee that every student will be assigned a buddy, we will do our best to ensure you have someone you can work with as often as possible.
- Some targets may be stretched out over the course of the month, with specific re-tasking in-between. What that means is: you won’t always get feedback at each meeting. Sometimes you will be retasked. This helps decrease dependency on getting instant feedback.
- Please be sure to write with any questions you have before we begin. Between meetings, you can send in your questions and I will address them at the meeting. You are always welcome to request anonymity if you would prefer that no one know who asked the question.
- Rest assured that everyone is “in the same boat” as you, wanting to become a world-class remote viewer, yet sometimes feeling insecure, unsure, discouraged, etc. This group has been formed to help everyone get better, more accurate, detailed information.
- When I am offered paid projects and/or when a Project Manager contacts me about a paid project and asks me to recommend good viewers, I suggest those viewers who have been working with me steadily via the Mentoring Club.
NOTE: When I am offered paid projects and/or when a Project Manager contacts me about a paid project and asks me to recommend good viewers, I suggest those viewers who have been working with me steadily via the Advanced/Operational Mentoring Club.