Oh boy… here it comes again. A new year! And we are all seeing articles and promotions geared toward the famous “New Year’s Resolutions”. Arghhh!
Do you make resolutions aimed at making you a better version of yourself?
Striving for Perfection
All of us strive for perfection in our own minds, but each of us has a different idea of what perfection actually is.
And the funny thing is that, regardless of how my idea of perfection differs from yours, none of us ever truly measures up in our own eyes. What a conundrum!
Not “measuring up” causes suffering, and we all want to avoid suffering at all costs!
Looking for pleasure and avoiding suffering is inherent in all living beings.
And in our quest to seek pleasure and avoid pain, what do many people do?
We often become addicted.
Why We Become Addicted
Addictions create a buffer -- a place to avoid feeling our feelings.
Whether it is alcohol or cigarettes or drugs or food or sugar -- addictions allow a way to escape.
Or, we think we escape to avoid feeling the core of whatever it is we so desperately wish to avoid.
Is this “The Year”?
Now that a new year is just around the corner, many of us approach our quest for perfection with new resolve:
“Maybe this year will the “The Year” when I attain my goals of __________, __________, or __________. You fill in the blanks.
Yet, we never do, because we are so very human.
The Perfect Person
And then there are those who are never tempted by common addictions. They never overeat or take drugs or get drunk.
But… they may be addicted to gossip, or judgement, or self-righteousness, or criticism.
When it comes to human flaws, it seems there is something for everyone! Plenty to go around.
Can we ever “get perfect”? Does anyone ever achieve true perfection?
Focus on Love
So… why try? Let’s stop the madness of perfection-seeking and instead focus on something much more attainable: Love.
What if, in 2020, instead of vowing to become more perfect in some way, we all just focus on being more loving, joyful, compassionate and kind?
Finding Solutions
I used to think that, using Controlled Remote Viewing, we could do things like find a cure for cancer, or discover the solution for zero-point energy, or cold fusion. That as remote viewers, we could solve global warming, or help to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and find solutions to end poverty.
Roadblocks to Success
There are two problems with this ambition.
For one thing, if you -- as a remote viewer -- found the solution for the problems listed above, would you do with that information?
We lack the proper channels through which to deliver this information; someone with the clout, both politically and monetarily, to act on it.
The second roadblock to solving the world’s problems is that many of the solutions to the most serious issues we face are already known, according to some of the most eminent people in the highest echelons of world government.
If that is true, why aren’t those solutions in place?
The answer is known by most of you.
We’ve all heard the stories…
Whether those stories are true or not, progress and planetary solutions are hindered by those who are so powerful that anyone who truly threatens the status quo can easily be eliminated.
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
Once the reality of the current situation became clear to me, my vision drastically changed.
The letters and communications I receive daily show me that many of the people who are now learning to remote view are discovering solutions in their own lives. They are learning self-love, forgiveness and are gaining insights that are improving their relationships with others.
Yes, a rising tide does lift all boats!
Perhaps, by teaching Controlled Remote Viewing (aka: Practical Remote Viewing) to the masses, we are raising Consciousness -- one heart at a time.
Critical Mass
Eventually, we may reach critical mass, in which -- all at once -- everyone (even those in power and those who have never heard of CRV) is suddenly thinking differently, more compassionately, more universally.
In 2020, my goal is not perfection. I may not be perfect in my own eye’s or in anyone else’s, but I will strive to be more loving and more compassionate to those who cross my path.
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
This is our chance; this is our time! You and me! It is time for the meek to inherit the earth.
We are meek because our weapons are not loud or forceful. Like Jesus Christ, Thich Nhat Hahn, Martin Luther King and the Dalai Lama, our weapons are love, kindness and knowledge. And using these, we will change the world, because we understand that we are all connected -- through Consciousness.
This is the ticket -- you said, "Eventually, we may reach critical mass, in which -- all at once -- everyone (even those in power and those who have never heard of CRV) is suddenly thinking differently, more compassionately, more universally."
With all that we face, I think you've pinpointed the solution of the better part of being human right here. We are forced to go deep.
Love. This is so beautiful, Lori. Thank you.
Oh Lori, that is such an beautiful, loving and inspiring post! Thank you!
Thank you Sheila!
I want to make clear to anyone reading this that (as a person in recovery from addiction I can vouch from experience), there is always hope and there is always the promise of a brighter future than where you came from or where you are now. Your mind is not necessarily "fried" just because you were a heavy user. The mind and brain are INCREDIBLY resilient. I am 3 years in on my journey of recovery and transformation as I write this, going on 4 now. There is always a light. Your situation is not your destination.
You are NOT dictated by the troubles you have endured, the substances you have used, or the mindset you used to hold on to. They all leave your body once they stop being reintroduced to your system, and the structure of the brain can repair itself if you take care of yourself again and keep at it.
Don't look back. And if you slip back, its okay, just turn around again and continue pressing onward. In AA they say, "put the stick away!"... All that means is that, when you slip up, don't beat yourself up over it, just get back on the right track as soon as possible and press on- don't be your own enemy when you fall, be your own helping hand to pick you back up again. You are worth every second of love and effort you put into yourself. Don't let the past darkness tint your lens on the future. Recovery is possible and change is possible every day if it is desired and sought out.
Just for today, I desire to love myself, and to see myself through to a bright, fulfilling future. And tomorrow, I will desire the same, just for that day too!
Very uplifting! Thank you! I myself am in recovery and have gone back and forth from the dark to the light several times in my past. I have been to my lowest of lows and I am still here. Proof that if you can figure out how to turn that anger/hatred into loving light, and anchor it back into the world and do well by others with the greatest of intentions you will stay in the light! When you have been hurt time and time again, and in turn love that person/situation more and more as they hurt you, you have the will to change the world. Bless you all ?
So, be it! Love this way of dealing with human problems!
Thank you for this unique tool!
Love, Dimi