by Lori Lambert Williams
© Lori Williams 2015

My training with Lyn Buchanan, who received his training in the U.S. military’s Stargate Unit, was always very solid and scientific—no “woo woo” allowed! But one special session taught me something profound, something that Lyn had intimated to me on occasion: For those who truly practice, the CRV structure can eventually lead to… something more.

An Esoteric Target that Changed My Life

The landscape was dark and frightfully cold… so cold that my teeth began chattering. My lips turned blue. My monitor and husband, Jim, tenderly wrapped a blanket around me. The wind howled around me so intensely, I knew I could not survive in this place.

“This can’t be Earth,” I thought. There was a sensation, hard to describe, that gave me the impression that I was standing on a foreign planet.

But when was this happening? I had been tasked to move back in time to the origin of an object I had been viewing at the target site. I now felt as though I was far, far in the past.

The cold grew more intense. I couldn’t bear it.

“I want to quit! I want to stop.” I said urgently to Jim. I could tell that Jim was totally engrossed in what was happening to his hot-flash-inclined wife, sitting in a too-warm room at his parent’s house in Alamorgordo, New Mexico—and that he wished I wouldn’t stop.

“Ok, how about… if we take a break? Would you like to go get something to eat, and go for a nice walk?” he asked.

That sounded great! So we took a break, and upon returning, resumed the session.

Immediately, as soon as I wrote the words “Resume” and the time, I felt I was back in the same location. Now, though, things were calm. I no longer felt the cold. It was still dark, but I could perceive numerous massive, tall, narrow structures with pointed tops. These structures were assembled in a circle. As I described them, I sensed that this place was sacred in some way. It had been a gathering place.

“Move to the top of one of the tall structures. Purpose?” Jim cued.

“This is a place of energy. It both transmits and receives.” I responded, writing as I spoke.


This is page 6 from the 2nd session done on this target. Note the column headings at the top. For those unfamiliar with CRV, this is an example of the Stage 4 matrix and a sketch of the obelisk-like structures perceived. The jagged lines in between the obelisk-shaped structures represent energy being transmitted and received.

This is page 6 from the 2nd session done on this target.
Note the column headings at the top.
For those unfamiliar with CRV, this is an example of the Stage 4 matrix and a sketch of the obelisk-like structures perceived.
The jagged lines in between the obelisk-shaped structures represent energy being transmitted and received.

“Move to that which is transmitting to it, and describe” he said.

Instantly, I was somewhere else. In front of me were three vertical … what? What were they? It was as if I was looking through a sheer veil, or through water. These three objects were a beautiful turquoise color and they were alive somehow. What were they? Their shapes were rather amorphous… constantly changing like the wax in a lava lamp.

Page 18 from this session shows the Site Impressions (SI) column, also known as the Emotional Impact (EI) column. This column contains descriptions of how someone at the target site feels or thinks. It can effectively be used as a “mind-reading tool.” Note how the handwriting begins to become nearly illegible as the viewer gets more and more contact with the target. Bilocation can cause the viewer to stop reporting altogether. This is usually discouraged by the monitor, and the viewer is encouraged to keep writing everything down! After the session was over, the viewer went through the session while the information was still fresh, and rewrote words that were illegible, for the sake of good recordkeeping. Page 18 also gives a small sample of the actual scientific information gained in this session. Who knows? The information in this session may someday prove to be helpful as we advance in space travel and interstellar communications.

Page 18 from this session shows the Site Impressions (SI) column, also known as the Emotional Impact (EI) column. This column contains descriptions of how someone at the target site feels or thinks. It can effectively be used as a “mind-reading tool.”
Note how the handwriting begins to become nearly illegible as the viewer gets more and more contact with the target. Bilocation can cause the viewer to stop reporting altogether. This is usually discouraged by the monitor, and the viewer is encouraged to keep writing everything down!
After the session was over, the viewer went through the session while the information was still fresh, and rewrote words that were illegible, for the sake of good recordkeeping.
Page 18 also gives a small sample of the actual scientific information gained in this session.
Who knows? The information in this session may someday prove to be helpful as we advance in space travel and interstellar communications.

I sensed something from the three…figures. A message? What was this all about?

Love! I sensed love from them.

Information began to flow fast, so fast I could barely keep up. I wrote quickly, struggling to stay within the CRV structure.

“What is happening???” I wondered.

While staying within the CRV structure, I was suddenly experiencing a level of remote viewing I had never experienced before. A flow of information burst through, like water breaking through and over a dam. The information was scientific and dealt with topics that were not a part of my lexicon. I did understand that a mineral compound was used and that, by speeding up atoms and molecules through a very advanced process, energy was produced. This energy was powerful enough to allow communication through space “worlds away” and to allow travel and signals to distant galaxies and places—even inter-dimensional travel. Yet at some point, an interruption occurred in the flow due to atmospheric and climactic conditions, effectively putting an end to the civilization that existed there. I perceived storms with violent winds, thunderous sounds, and structures being pulled apart. I also sensed that beings moved underground.

Jim was now more intrigued than ever, because with his background in science, he understood what I was writing down and saying out loud. He understood it, but I did not. How could the Controlled Remote Viewing process reveal information that was not part of my conscious education?

With trepidation and some difficulty, I wrote up my summary and managed to compose what I thought was a sane-sounding report of my findings for the customer. How in the heck was I going to explain this? What was the target, anyway?

As soon as my session report was received, the phone rang. The person on the other end was asking me to contact one of the ex-military remote viewers from the Stargate Unit, Mel Riley.

Why would Mel Riley want to talk to me?

I called. In his rumbling baritone, Mel asked quietly, “Tell me what you got in that session. And don’t hold anything back. Tell me everything.”

As I began relating what had happened, Mel would pose questions, such as “And was it like you were looking through water? Or a veil?”

Then Mel said, “You and I experienced the exact same thing.” I had no idea that Mel was a viewer on the same project. But as he went on and told me his story, I realized he was right: We had both experienced the exact same thing.

So what was the target? When I finally was able to get some feedback, I was confused and surprised. According to the customer who assigned it, the target was simply a photograph of the Mars surface, with a Mars Rover track in the red Martian dust. Next to the Rover track was what appeared to be a boot print. Looking at the photo, it could have been the moon. I’m not really sure.

Regardless, this session, although an esoteric target for which there may never be concrete feedback in my lifetime, dramatically improved my CRV skills and was a turning point in my life as a remote viewer.

Controlled Remote Viewing: A Martial Art for the Mind

For some people, the CRV structure may seem tedious and unnecessarily complex, but CRV is like a martial art. Practicing a martial art can lead to outstanding experiences and a more profound sense of spirituality. And, although you may use your black belt in Karate to defend yourself only once in a lifetime, if that one time saves your life, it makes all the years of practice totally worth it.

Think of CRV structure as a drawer organizer for that annoying junk drawer we all have. You know the one—full of rubber bands, toothpicks, paper clips, and a multitude of other paraphernalia. Our minds are like the junk drawer. Psychic information might come in, but it lands in a mess of other “stuff” and we lose it. CRV helps us sort the junk from the psychic/valid info and be able to report it in a manner that is useful to law enforcement officials, corporate CEOs, medical personnel, archeologists, and ordinary people like you and me.

Psychic Sketches Vs. Detailed Information

A psychic closes her eyes and “sees” the target. Picking up a pen, she sketches what she sees. Afterward, a photo is pulled from an envelope. The photo and the sketch are similar. Everyone is happy. She proved she is psychic!

So why do CRV practitioners insist on all that writing and sketching? First, of course, most of us are not that psychic. Further, even the best psychic will only be able to name the target and give a brief, generic description. That may be good enough to “wow” friends, but what about the times detail is needed? What about the times the envelope-to-the-forehead trick doesn’t work?

Therein lies the power of CRV and why CRV can be considered to be superior to other methods of viewing, depending on the intent and purpose of the viewing, itself. Its structure allows the Viewer to go far beyond mere sketches and has the potential to give detailed information about a target. Viewers quickly adapt to the structure and it becomes second nature. With practice, we do it without even thinking!

Russell Targ, a co-pioneer of ESP studies at Stanford, once told me, “When we conducted remote viewing at SRI, the Interviewer simply asked the Viewer, ‘Tell me what you see’ and the Viewer described it—even sketched it accurately. So why are people teaching this structure? Why is it necessary?”

Pam Coronado, renowned psychic detective, and I both explained to Russell that many remote viewers no longer have the luxury of an Interviewer/Monitor. When no one is available to pose questions/suggestions to a Viewer, CRV’s structure provides a platform for the information; the Viewer’s conscious mind becomes the Interviewer. Russell had an “Ah-ha” moment!

As a final example, let’s say that you and I are the same age. As 5 year-olds, we both began piano lessons. Thirty years later, you may be a virtuoso playing Carnegie Hall, whereas I may be just entertaining my friends at the occasional party. To me, this is the fundamental difference between true CRV (with all its structure) and simple remote viewing. A world-class CRV’er, like the virtuoso, can get amazingly detailed and accurate information, while a good “remote viewer” can wow friends at parties.

Can CRV Lead to a Shift in Consciousness?

Jim and I became close friends with Mel Riley and his wife after the Mars Rover session. Mel and I have had some long talks about our experience with this target. After doing that session, I noticed that a lot of my professional, operational (non-practice) CRV sessions often led to outstanding shifts in consciousness. Mel, too, has experienced “shifts in consciousness” during his many years of CRV sessions. Together, we believe that what we experienced during our remote viewing sessions on that target was something unique and profound.

Because of that experience, I created a course about 4 years ago called “Beyond Advanced: CRV for Professional Viewers.” This course includes advanced use of Stage 6 tools for corporate and personal use, tools not taught in the regular 3-day Advanced course. More important, the course enables Advanced viewers to shift into Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) within the structure of CRV, with bilocation as the ultimate goal.

Bilocation – How Can I Have One?

Ingo Swann, creator of the CRV structure, somewhat discouraged bilocation, mainly because the military’s purpose for remote viewing required viewers to report everything as they were experiencing it. (Viewers tend to stop writing when they bilocate.) But the “Beyond Advanced” course teaches an Advanced viewer how to “toggle” between CRV and bilocation while continuing to write everything down. Acquiring this skill requires a great deal of practice, and is definitely not easy.

When someone asks me what the difference is between ERV and bilocation, I explain it like this: ERV is a technique that a viewer uses to access the intended target while in a hypnogogic state; it is done deliberately. Bilocation cannot really be induced; it either happens or it doesn’t. Just as the Monroe Institute (the nonprofit education and research organization devoted to the exploration of human consciousness) creates the conditions in which an out-of-body state can occur, the “Beyond Advanced” course teaches viewers to create the conditions during which a bilocation is more likely to occur. Viewers learn to record that experience as it is occurring.

The Sharing of Consciousness

There is an interesting “sidebar” to the Mars Rover target. That target was given to two other very advanced viewers after Mel and I viewed it. While the content of the sessions was somewhat different, both of those sessions culminated in seeing obelisk-shaped structures set in a circle, transmitting and receiving information. Further, when instructed to move to the source that was transmitting, both Viewers experienced the three amorphous blue beings emitting an overwhelming sense of love.

It could be surmised that we four viewers simply demonstrated a strong case of telepathic overlay, sharing each other’s perceptions. Even if that is the case, the similarities experienced show me that we all share consciousness to some degree. Whether we viewers shared each other’s imaginings, or whether we all truly met Beings that exist in another dimension, the point is that we shared the experience – effectively demonstrating shared consciousness on some level.

Mel commented to me today that it is very unusual for any target -- assigned to 4 separate viewers on 4 different occasions –- to result in such similar session outcomes. Mel’s experience with telepathic overlay indicates that it would not normally occur when the viewers were separated by so much time and physical distance when the sessions took place. He also believes that an important target has a way of leading the viewer right to it. It could be that the feedback photo was a lunar surface with an astronaut footprint, rather than being the surface of Mars. But perhaps the viewers were drawn to the belief or intention of the customer who assigned the target. Regardless, the results were fascinating.

Helping Advanced CRV Students to Progress

During the “Beyond Advanced” course, everything begins and ends with CRV. Student viewers begin a session on Day One, breaking and resuming at certain times. In between, they are learning advanced uses of Stage 6, as mentioned above.

On Day Two, student viewers again resume viewing the same target. With each viewing of that target, site contact becomes stronger. Viewers are effectively “wearing a memory path to the target” in much the same way a hiker wears a path by always hiking the same trail. In other words, by visiting the same target multiple times, viewers are making it easier to view that target. The path has been established. By evening, students are feeling familiar with the target even though they haven’t seen any feedback yet.

Around 7 p.m. on Day Two, student viewers settle into a comfortable recliner after dinner. As the students relax back, Jim and I guide them to the target once more—this time, in a hypnogogic state. Students then often experience a bilocation experience that is very real and almost tangible.

Some students experience an amazing bilocation during their CRV session on the 3rd day of the class. This is the goal of the course: to have a bilocation experience during a CRV session while continuing to write, and to do it all without the aid of a hypnotist/monitor.

CRV for Research Projects

When people ask me about the day-to-day practicality of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), I usually tell them ways they can use it to make better life decisions, find lost objects or pets, keep tabs on the kids, and incorporate it into corporate business and personal health applications. There are some specific areas, however, in which CRV and the results it provides truly shine.
Consider a research project for which finely detailed information is needed. A well-trained remote viewer, using CRV structure, completes a session and then composes a professionally written summary in outline format, containing 220 perceptions. The structure of the summary itself prevents misunderstandings about the meaning and perceptions of the viewer. Best, the amount of detail is phenomenal.

A few years ago, researchers Deborah Katz and Lance Beem won the International Remote Viewing Association’s Warcollier Award to do a research project. The gist of the project was to see if Remote Viewers could view microscopic targets.

The target was a microphage. If antibiotic-resistant bacteria threaten the human race, could remote viewers view a solution? Could certain microphages “eat” the threatening bacteria and save our species? And among the viewers, did viewers who had more training do better at viewing the target?

The answers to these and other questions were answered in a wonderful research report that Deborah Katz and Lance wrote, so I won’t go into all of that here. I just want to share my experience with that research project, because—not only is it a good story—it also illustrates my point.

Participating in the research project and completely blind to the target, I suddenly experienced riding what felt like a twisting, turning rollercoaster of light, all lit up in a velvety darkness that I was racing through. As I wrote down my perceptions, the “ride” ended and I felt as though I soared out into the Cosmos “like the beginning of time itself.” It dawned on me that the rollercoaster felt like a Helix—a DNA molecule! “It’s microscopic!” I exclaimed.

From that point on, perceptions rolled in, one after another. Like a hound on the scent, I followed the trail straight to the microphage. The session took two hours in total, including the writing up of my final report.

The outline summary was sent to the researchers on an Excel spreadsheet. There were 144 perceptions in my final report, which the researchers took to scientists who are experts in microphages. The experts scored those 144 perceptions for accuracy and found them to be 98% accurate.

The researchers compiled data based on all the viewers who took part in the project and found that the sessions done by viewers who had taken CRV training were far more accurate and detailed than viewers with less training and/or who used other methods.

CRV for Technology Targets

CRV is also an amazing tool for use with technology targets. Due to confidentiality, I am not able to share information from many of the amazing projects in which I have had the privilege to participate, but I can reveal just a bit to show how I’ve been able to use CRV to accurately describe technology with amazing detail and accuracy, even when the target in question is completely outside of my sphere of knowledge. (Most of those who know me well would probably describe me kindly as “technologically-challenged.” And they would be right.)

One such target specified that the goal was to find the cause of an airplane crash. I came to a point where I knew I was in an airplane that was experiencing difficulty. The plane was tilting and items were tumbling around me. I heard loud shouting, and I made the statement, “Something is failing.”

“Move to the failing and describe,” said my ever-faithful monitor, Jim.

Being the good Italian that I am, I began waving my arms around, trying to grasp what I wanted to convey.

“Can you sketch that?” Jim asked.

Frustrated and convinced that I could never draw what I was perceiving, I began sketching:

Sketch of Target


These are the sketches of what I perceived to be the cause of the crash

These are the sketches of what I perceived to be the cause of the crash

These are the sketches of what I perceived to be the cause of the crash

These are the sketches of what I perceived to be the cause of the crash

Photos of the type of engine used in the plane, a Pratt & Whitney R-4360 Wasp Major. Notice the front end and the similarities to how it was built. My sketch showed the interior part of the drive shaft.

Photos of the type of engine used in the plane, a Pratt & Whitney
R-4360 Wasp Major.
Notice the front end and the similarities to how it was built. My sketch showed the interior part of the drive shaft.

Another Pratt & Whitney R-4360 Wasp Major from another crashed plane.

Another Pratt & Whitney
R-4360 Wasp Major from another crashed plane.

These are the sketches of what I perceived to be the cause of the crash
Photos of the type of engine used in the plane, a Pratt & Whitney
R-4360 Wasp Major.

Notice the front end and the similarities to how it was built. My sketch showed the interior part of the drive shaft.
Another Pratt & Whitney
R-4360 Wasp Major from another crashed plane.

CRV Vs Other Methods

Yes, there are other methods for obtaining psychic information, and I’ve come to believe that they can all be excellent when used by the right people for the right targets and with the right intentions. Remember the comparison of CRV to a martial art? There are many martial arts—Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Ju Jitsu, to name but a few. They are all good. They all have their purpose. Just as you would not use a hammer when you need a screwdriver, choose the appropriate viewing tool for your intuitive work.

ERV is a great tool if you need information quickly, or if you are trying to come up with names or numbers, and you can incorporate the use of ERV into the CRV structure.

ARV is wonderful for getting information on the fly, while standing in line at the grocery store, or when trying to decide which car to buy. It is quick and easy, but not great for getting detailed information.

CRV is my favorite, simply because I find that I can incorporate a multitude of other tools into the CRV structure and use that structure to report my findings. The structure of CRV keeps things organized, and I like that. CRV has been part of my life since 1997, and like a long and lovely marriage, it still has the power to thrill me.

Looking Ahead

I am excited about the potential that CRV has to change the world. A well-trained and organized team with the proper funding could potentially view solutions for the world’s biggest problems: climate change, pollution, terrorism, and more.

I’ve heard it said, “Anything worth something, costs something.” It will take dedication, patience, perseverance, hard work, and sacrifice to see CRV reach its full potential. Are we up to the challenge?

1. I do not ever give esoteric targets to my students in the Basic, Intermediate or Advanced CRV courses, because it is so important for students to have solid feedback through which to judge their sessions and determine their strengths, weaknesses, and overall progress.

2. Jim and I are both certified in hypnosis, and have had an active hypnosis business since 2004.

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