Fifteen Steps to Success! ARV for the Lotto
Here are the actual steps to practice your ARV just to get the first number on the Pick 3. For this example, we will use tastes. You can also use smells or textures or colors or sounds. Just be sure you have a way to give yourself feedback. For sounds, I use an iPhone app called “Sounds Real.”
STEP 1: Type up a huge list of tastes. You’ll need 30 to 50 tastes that are distinctive. You may think “That’s impossible!” but it is actually not that difficult. Go in your kitchen and check out the spice rack, the condiment cupboard, and the candy dish!
STEP 2: Print out your list.
STEP 3: Separate the tastes by cutting them into individual slips of paper.
STEP 4: Fold each piece of paper.
STEP 5: Put all of the folded slips into a container (bag, box, hat, etc.) and mix them up.
STEP 6: When you are ready to try guessing the first number of the Pick Three, choose 10 random slips of paper from your container.
STEP 7: Line up 10 envelopes and number them from 0 to 9. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
STEP 8: Without looking, put one slip into each envelope.
STEP 9: Ask yourself the question: “Move to tonight at ____ o’clock and tell me what you taste.” (The time you choose depends on when the lottery folks actually do the Pick 3 Drawing for the day. If it is at 7 p.m., for example, you may want to say, “Move to tonight at 7:15 p.m. and tell me what you taste.” That will give you an additional 15 minutes from the time the lotto folks draw the number for you to find the right feedback to eat or taste.) Write down the first thing you notice. Don’t over think it!
STEP 10: As soon as you make your guess, open the envelopes. Be sure to keep the right taste with the right envelope! Don’t let them get mixed up!
STEP 11: Which taste comes closest to your guess? Let’s say that you guessed chocolate, and you discover when you open the envelopes that the envelope you wrote the number 8 on had a slip in it that says “chocolate.” Voila! You have chosen 8 as the first number of tonight’s Pick 3. If there is no taste to match the one you tasted, you can try choosing the closest one. For example, if you said “lemon” but there is no lemon, but lime is in one of the envelopes, go with that.
STEP 12: Wait until feedback time.
STEP 13: When the Pick 3 is drawn, see what the number is on the first ball. Look at the corresponding envelope. See what flavor was in that envelope. Taste that flavor and really get excited about the flavor. Don’t worry if you were right or wrong. Just get excited about the correct flavor. For example, if you tasted mint (which corresponded to envelope number 5) but the first ball was actually number 2 (which corresponded to envelope number 2 - containing the word “vinegar”) then you should taste vinegar at feedback time! And make a big deal out of the interesting taste of vinegar.!
STEP 14: If you were right, reward yourself by doing something you really enjoy. (massage, bubble bath, fun game, favorite TV show…). If you were not correct, don’t get upset. Taste the right taste (see step 14) and then move on with your activities, knowing that practice makes perfect.
STEP 15: Remove the slips of paper from the envelopes and put them back into the bag or box. Keeping the lists fresh each time is a good idea. Next time you practice, you will go through these 16 steps again, and your list will be different.
The idea of winning the lottery is fascinating to many people. Can it be done? The answer is yes. It can be and it has been, using the method described in this article. The keys to winning are practice and patience. If you can excel at both of these, you are on your way to becoming a winner! Start simply by practicing with just one number: the first number of the Pick 3 lottery.
Once you correctly name the first number on the Pick 3 on a consistent basis, you can move on to doing the first AND the second numbers. When you can get both of those regularly, you can move on to doing all three numbers. Winning the Pick 3 regularly can really increase your monthly income!
To graduate from getting just the first number to getting all three, simply go through these 15 steps three times in one day. But remember: Don’t try that until you have first become consistent with correctly identifying the first number, and then the first and second numbers. Don’t rush the process. Practice makes perfect.
It is a good idea to have several containers, each with 30 to 50 distinct sensory items in the same category. So you could have one container with tastes, one with smells, one with sounds, one with textures, and one with colors.
Be sure you have the feedback ready! Feedback is essential and is what makes ARV work! The reasons behind this are explained in the Intuitive Specialists' ARV manual and in the ARV course handout “ARV: The Controlled Use of Time Loops.” (To find out how you can take the full Associative Remote Viewing course with Intuitive Specialists, contact us at
In other words, if the 10 tastes for today’s practice are: cherry, vinegar, lime, raw egg white, mint, chocolate, licorice, garlic, salt and roasted almonds, be sure that all 10 of these flavors are on hand to taste. If you think you taste garlic but then at feedback time, you discover that you don’t have any garlic available to taste, that won’t help the process at all. In fact, if you don’t give yourself feedback, your subconscious mind will probably not give you an answer to the question: “Move to tonight at 7 p.m. and tell me what you taste” because in truth, you didn’t (or won’t) taste anything unless you make sure you have the proper feedback taste available. The same goes for any other sensory. That is why I like the iPhone app “Sounds Real” – it is an easy way to get feedback for sounds, doesn’t make you gain weight, and is fast, cheap and non-messy.
Most important of all, remember to have fun and enjoy this. Balance this practice with other activities. Don’t get obsessed with it. The more fun you make it, the more successful you will be.
Hi Lori,
Can you please explain why we reduce the list from 30 to 10?
I am thinking of a method of learning 10 animal sounds and then link them to numbers 0 -9.
Then I do the "meditation" to ask " What sound do you hear?"
hi, 2 questions: 1) how do I adapt these steps with the Canadian Lotto Max that requires 7 numbers (1-50)
2) I have 50 photos of animals that I have assigned numbers 1-50, will this work?
I appreciate your feedback.
kind regards,
Thank you for your post! Lori has been busy creating new content and preparing for upcoming classes, so she has less availability for direct replies at the moment. However, these are fantastic questions! Lori covers these topics in her ARV class, and the 6-week video course will be available this fall. We’ll be sure to keep you posted when it’s released!
Hi Lori,
Have YOU won the lottery jackpot and made millions using this?
Probably not, as she has been busy making money by professionally remote viewing for law enforcement, corporations, and archaeologists, and teaching others to do similarly. Can you employ your skepticism so gainfully, my wayward sibling?
Thank you, Prac T'Cal. What is the "T'Cal" all about?
Hi Scep T'Cal! No, I have not, and I have never promised or claimed any such thing. I use ARV to get quick answers to binary questions and to help me make better choices and decisions. If you were to take the full class, you would understand the entire scope of the teaching, which is very robust and well-rounded. No "get-rich-quick" schemes. However, in every 3 day class I teach, there are students who make money just doing practical hands-on work right in the class, itself. Remember, you are commenting on something I am sharing for free.
Hi Lori, Or anyone else that can help out....Just wondering if you know of a similar app suitable for this practice, that is an Android version PLease. Thank you.
Hi Laura,
Unfortunately, I am not aware of any app to do this exercise. But it is easy to do without an app. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and see if you are able to get the first number on the first ball. If nothing else, it is fun to practice, and it is an activity you can do with friends. Let me know how it goes!
When I Use sound I do not hear a sound. I hear a swhusing sound. like wind going back and forth. should I use a different way??? maybe photos. how would I associate photos??? Thanks so much. I know i CAN DO IT . i AM UNDER PRUSSER BECAUSE OF $$$.
Hi Lori,
I know you are super busy, so I would really appreciate it if you could take time to answer a question I have about the above article. When you say to repeat all of the steps until you get the first number correct on a consistent basis…. I am a little unclear as to PRECISELY what you mean. Do you mean to pick out 30-50 new, different tastes (smelks, sounds, etc?) and go from there? Because you are not trying to associate a specific taste to a specific number (i.e. lemon means number 2) but to get a taste (smell, etc.) and then when you open the envelope it is the correct number that goes with the taste? So, when the time comes and you are ready to actually buy a ticket, you simply open the envelopes in enough time before the draw to purchase the ticket? Is this correct? I hope that was ckear enough….
By the way, I am currently on day 4 of your free CRV course and I love it (and you!) and I wanted to thank you for the extreme generosity you have with your time and knowledge! Only 1% of the population, right? Hopefully I will be in there…
i'm from Australia and out lotteries are different, so I was just wondering how you would go about this when needing to pick 7 numbers out of 45
Would a computer program work for this? It could select 10 random sounds from a list and assign numbers to them. Then you could select the sound that you heard. When the winning number was drawn you could select it and it would play the sound. This could probably be done on a web page.
Why is it important to use different sounds for the numbers each time as opposed to ideograms where you use the same one each time?
Thank you
Tim, I have worked with several computer programs designed by so-called remote viewing "experts" trying to find a foolproof method to successful ARV. They have all been a disaster. That's been my experience. All forms of remote viewing are based on interaction between the conscious and subconscious mind. It is just my own feelings and opinions, but personally, I dislike bringing computers into something that is inherently human and organic and even - dare I say it - spiritual.
I love that and totally agree Lori. Everthing has its Place. Cheers
Hi Amelia,
YES! We hope to have the 6-week version available sometime this summer of 2022.
Big hug,
Hi Lori!
Do you have any plans of turning your Live ARV class into a 6 week class?
I'd love to do the live class but can't take off during the week.
Hola, soy mexicana y me gustaría tomar el curso de ARV del 8 de febrero, me pueden responder las siguientes preguntas: ¿lo imparten en español o en inglés? ¿puedo ganar inmediatamente después de tomar el curso algún premio pequeño de lotería? porque no tengo el dinero para el curso y lo tomaré de una tarjeta de crédito, bueno, con decirle que debo vivir con mi ex marido porque no tengo dinero para pagar lo básico y poder vivir en mi espacio, me dedico a la ventas pero las ventas están bajas. Ayuda por favor.
Hola, Delia. El curso de ARV del 8 de febrero esta en ingles. No sugiero deuda porque no hay manera de garantizar ganacias. Todo depende del estudiante y como lo practica. Estamos planeando lanzar nuestros cursos en espanol mas tarde en 2022. Con mucho amor,
Muchas gracias
Hi Lori,
So when you get good at the first number how do you proceed with the next two. Do you use the first 10 envelopes you picked with the first number or do you record the taste with the numbers and then mix them all up and select the next batch of 10? Thx.
My very first attempt came up pepper and it was ginger which has a very peppery element to it, cant wait till the next draw!
Hi, Russell. When you consistently get the first number right, follow the exact directions in the class to do the 2nd number. When you are consistently getting BOTH first and 2nd numbers correct, move to the third and practice getting all three correct. If you have at least 50 (tastes, or smells, or sounds, etc.) you can mix up the list and have a new list for each number. I would do one in the morning, one midday, and one in the afternoon, to spread them out a bit. Then be sure to scatter the feedback time: For the 1st number, you could say, "move to tonight at 7:05 pm and tell me what you taste." For the 2nd number, "Move to tonight at 7:15 pm and tell me what you taste." And for the 3rd number: "Move to tonight at 7:30 pm and tell me what you taste." See how that works? You can also use a different sense for each number. The first number could be taste, the 2nd number could be smell and the 3rd number could be sound. But practice consistently with one sensory until you are very consistently accurate before moving on or changing things up. Does that make sense?
So, if I'm understanding this correctly, it works kind of similar to how you write notes to remind your future self to do something, but in reverse. Which is why it's important the feedback stands out in the same way you'd use a bright coloured sticky note to make what you need to remember more noticeable. You might still get it right even if you forget to do the feedback, like you might still remember to get the milk even without the note, but the chances of you "remembering" are much smaller without it - and now you're in the grocery store just guessing and trying to remember what you were supposed to get.
This is a really neat concept; I'm excited to try it out!
Um... I am not sure what you mean. ARV is the controlled use of Time Loops. I'll be teaching the full 3-day Bootcamp intensive soon!
This are examples of tastes. So If I desire to use this taste I must have it in my kitchen?
@Sashenka, YES, for this to work, you MUST taste the correct taste at the appointed time.
Hello Lori. I first want to thank you for all this free info you give away. My question is what do you mean when you say to make sure that the taste has to be available to get feedback? Do you perhaps meant that I have to have Apple, licorice tasting things in my kitchen or it won’t work?
Hi Sashenka,
This is Elizabeth on Lori's Team. Please write us for more information at
Thank you!
Lori Williams,
Thank you for posting this interesting information.
I cannot wait to try this myself; and my family.
Almost seems as if 'predictions' are not 'guessing' if this tends to be an 'accurate method' practice.
I'm tempted to ask about how this could be applied for trading. (Forex, Stocks, Options, and etc.)
With such great knowledge and abilities I cannot wonder and ask how to avoid 'abuse' of this ability?
I have the impression this gift comes from a 'divine' power of some sort.
Any feedback about this openly?
I am currently locked up with my current job until mid year 2024; and enjoy helping people.
Any discounts/deals/benefits for military or veterans? (if anyone got the hint of current job..wink wink sigh...)
Someone I know now online is able to do remote viewing (personal gift someone encouraged her to learn when she was younger she said); I never found out about this until recently.
And makes me begin to think about Elijah and the enemy King's bedroom chamber war plans (remote viewing?) if anyone caught that reference.
Not trying to post a novel. (I am too wordy)
All I can say is wow...
If I can get the lottery (or trading?) to the point of making enough to be financially free I would offer the biggest hug you could imagine; then ask how everyone can fix the world as a whole.
With love and regards,
waterscalming (psuedo name)
Hi, Waters,
What you are looking for is ARV -- Associative Remote Viewing. A simple way to ascertain accurate binary choices. I am working on a book and a video course. I teach a live ARV course once or twice a year. Keep your eye on my calendar!
Big hug,
If I try this method and if I win over 100,000 $ I will give you one percent, and buy you return plane tickets so that you can come and stay at your airconditioned place in Huatulco Mexico with Jim for months on end.
Jon K will also get the same cut.
It would be cool to see precise list of people that have used RV to win lotteries. I hope you get all your positive vibes back Lori ! I wish you and yours the best.
You are so welcome and thank you!
I could not refrain from commenting. Very well written!
Thank you!
Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it!
Dear Elizabeth.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I can not participate in the courses due to my work and study. Although I am totally interested to participate in the class.
Since I have red the Article more than 7 times and I have done more research.
the Article mentioned that for each number choose a color or taste or even a sound.
so could choose taste for the first number and color for the second number and so on. Or I choose a taste, color, object and an animal for each number and I do it for each number.
example: first digit I choose: red, dog, sweet and bed.
second digit like the first but with a different color, animal, taste and object. and so on. The third option I choose color, taste, animal and an Object for each number. for example in Euro Jack-Pot we have 60 numbers in total. 4*60=240.
which Type is it effective to do.
I will wait for your kind respond.
best regards
P.S sorry for the long reply.
I live in Germany and i want to try your method for 6 aus 49 Lotto which we pick 6 from 49 numbers and 1 super number between 0 to 9 number. all in all 7 numbers.
The second Lottery is Euro jackpot which we pick 5 out of 50 numbers and 2 numbers between 1 to 10. All in all 7 numbers.
Q1: How can I use this method for these 2 lotteries.
I can not wait to read your reply.
thank you so much for the article that you have written.
Best Regards
Hello David,
This is Elizabeth on Lori's team. Thank you for reaching out! The "15 Steps to Win the Lotto." has the information to practice. If you are interested in taking the live course; it is taking place later this month. You will need access to good internet and a computer to attend. Here is the link for more information. The process is in depth and requires practice!
Hello, i am trying to sign up for your ARV course but seems as not updated. Does this course still exist and if so where Can i sign up for it? Thank you, Camilla
Hi Camilla,
Thank you for your great interest in our courses! For this year, there is no upcoming schedule for ARV Course. Lori is yet to set her 2025 calendar. Our remaining courses for 2024 is the Basic CRV this coming November 13 and Beyond Advanced in December 12. You can also see all our upcoming workshops and classes in the right sidebar of our website under "Upcoming Events": We will update it as soon as the 2025 schedule is set to keep everyone posted. If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at
Hi, Angel,
I would suggest an app that has a variety of sounds, not just animals. For this particular use (lottery) you'll need a tremendous variety: machine sounds, bell sounds, animal sounds, clatter, applause, etc.
That is my suggestion...
Hi Lori,
Thanks so much for your suggestion. I shall look for such an app and start the process.
Best wishes,
Hi Lori,
Looking for an alternative to Sounds Real app for my Android I had found a variety of apps with sounds. I found one with 150 animal sounds which also include high definition picture. Will it work or would you suggest some different specific sounds for this type of associative work? I have read about the Native American traditions which teach of the Medicine of some animals and animals spirits, which can help people at a subconscious or spirit levels. I'm incline to use this app but rather have your feedback and suggestion first.
Enjoying the Practical Remote Viewing Course and looking forward to become a good student.
PS. Also looking forward to make some extra money with the lottery!
You can apply this to the Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot. I know I will be (-:
Hi Lori,
Ignore my question. I've got it. Just gotta practice (-:
That is right Jamee; you are doing great!
Hi Lori and your magic team,
Thank you so much for this free entry into further RV studies with you. With tastes, just think of 50 different things you would eat and jot them down?
Lori, out of all the remote viewing info I have read yours is the best so far. So I used your target pool page and so guessed the correct target 4 out of 5 times. You can imagine my response! I was elated! I have always felt so had a 6th sense and wanted to explore this further. Sorry this is so long I just have a few comments. So I am also very good at lucid dreaming. Do you find a correlation between the two? Remote viewing and lucid dreaming? Finally I had a dream that I won the mega lottery and I kept seeing the same numbers in the dream. I would love to discuss them with you as I am not sure how to correlate them to the lottery or what they may mean. All the best, thank you!
In regards to which of the senses to use, I am a musician. My pitch discrimination is very accurate. (not in the sense that I know when someone sings an A#, but if a pitch is sharp or flat). Should I use sounds instead of tastes or smells for ARV? If so, do you have any suggestions on how I would use sounds or should I just get creative?
Also, for our Pick 3, there are only 10 numbers that you can use, 0-9. Does this mean that we should only have 10 slips of paper with smells, tastes or sounds on it?
Hi Gil,
When we work on ONE number at a time, I like to choose 10 sensory options from an envelope containing -- for example -- 50 tastes or 50 sounds or 50 smells... Sounds is my personal favorite, because there are many phone apps that have sounds for easy replay at the moment of feedback. So yes, you only have 10 sensory options at any one time. But you want to vary those 10 options so that the subconscious mind doesn't memorize them.
Big hug,
I must be very slow. I didn't comprehend any of it. I'm in Australia, we have 45. What are these three you mention. Plus can you explain it to me so I can understand it.
Hi Gerry,
In America we have several different lotteries. Some are Pick 3 or Pick 4 where you choose numbers from 0-9 and they have small jackpots. For instance in Pick 3, you choose 0-9 for the 1st number, 0-9 for the 2nd number, and 0-9 for the 3rd number. Your entry might look something like 2-2-9 and you would play that number. The big lotteries involve many more numbers and have a large jackpot which must be shared. Recently a woman in the US kept seeing the number 1-0-3-1 during the day so she bought 20 lottery tickets with that number. Later that day she still felt strongly about it and bought 10 more tickets. Her numbers were picked that night so she won the lottery 30 times that day! The jackpot was $5000 - so she won 30 times for a total of $150,000. Which I think is a good way to leverage this strategy. I hope that helps.
Excellent response, Andi! Great explanation! I need you on my team!
Hi Andi,
From your experience is it important to have breaks to recharge in between sessions and if so how long should they be?
Hi, Gerry,
We have a small lottery that pays $500 USD or less. The winner correctly predicts the three one-digit numbers that will be drawn at a pre-determined time. Some cities have several Pick Three lottery drawings per day! The idea behind this type of associative remote viewing (ARV) is that you are associating a sensory (taste, smell, color, texture or sound) with a number. Numbers are hard to predict, because they are a man-made construct understood by the left side of your brain. So in ARV, we are using the right side of the brain in combination with the subconscious mind to predict what we will experience (taste, smell, see, feel, or hear) at a pre-determined time. It is too complex to explain in a short paragraph via email. But you can learn more by checking out the Applied Precognition Project (APP) online. Thanks!
So you're training to gain a premenition of what tastes you will eat/taste after the draw, which will be the tastes corresponding the actual winning numbers...
That explains it ??
But how does it work so that you can have a premonition of what numbers to pick BEFORE the winning numbers are drawn? I only ask because in Australia if you play online, there is a cut-off time for submitting your entry before the actual draw.
Hi, Penny! It isn't a premonition. It is using the body to determine an outcome before it happens. This is a complex concept. Unfortunately, to understand it fully, it helps to take my 3-day course that is coming up on Associative Remote Viewing.
I think this method is WONDERFUL for PRACTICING but there are 2 reasons why I would prefer not to use it for the lottery:
1) because I heard something Louis Hay (bless her memory!) said about the lottery. You DO NOT want to tell your subconscious mind that the "only way" you can make money is through the lottery. That's like giving it a message that you are incapable of making money otherwise. So doing this one time or whatever for fun is fine, but just for fun.
2) Because I think this method can be best applied to buy something tangible such as stocks or gold or something. Besides, it's A LOT LESS "numbers" if all you need to decide is "Is this a good investment"? Your risk is also a lot lower, since even if you go wrong, say if you buy $100 worth of gold and silver was better, maybe you still made money, but less than with silver, or even if, say, you "lost" money, say you lost $2, you still own $98 worth of gold and if you keep waiting you might sell it in a month for $110, you never know (or you do know, if you RV it, lol).
So my advice is PRACTICE if you want with this method with the lottery but APPLY this method for something of value like a stock, a metal or something else, not the lottery.
Hi Lori
Does these steps work?
Do you think these steps
will work for dowsing lottery numbers?
Maybe calling it associated pendulum dowsing??
This is very interesting, do you think this could apply to Horse Racing also? With each envelope having the number of the horse?
Olivia mentions "step 19," and I only see 15 steps. I, too, am interested in how to pick all three numbers. Thanks.
Hi, Joyce,
I see Olivia's comment now. I just wrote her back. I think her referral to "Step 19" must be a typo, as there are only 15 steps. Hopefully, you can see my reply to her.
So, when you go for all three numbers, in step 19, do you try to guess the three tastes that first come to mind? What a good idea associating numbers with tastes or colors. Do you find this way you will avoid inversions like 6 being 9 and vice versa?
Dear Olivia,
In your question, you refer to "step 19" -- I am sure that must be a typo. There are only 15 steps. Just follow the steps, one at a time.
Yes, by associating a taste or a smell or a sound, etc, with a number, you can avoid inversions, like 6 and 9.
I am using pictures instead of sounds/tastes and I am attempting to view the pick 3. The only problem is I am unsure how far a part I should set each viewing session as I do not want to have displacement between the feedback for each digit.
Do you know how far a part each season should be?